Saturday, March 19, 2011

Buffets: Friend or Foe?

"A buffet is a system of serving meals in which food is placed in a public area where the diners generally serve themselves. It is a popular method for feeding a large number of people with minimal staff.  Another advantage of buffets compared to table service is that diners have a great deal of choice and the ability to closely inspect food before selecting it."

Have not been blogging for a while because of this. It's like I'm in a buffet once or twice a week and it's messing up my goal. Yes, I enjoy dining with my friends and my hubby. I love how there's so much to choose from. And how about that term " eat-all-you-can"? Best thing of all: it's only $ 9.99! Prime rib, steak, chops, shrimp, paella, pasta, potatoes, soup and salad, bottomless drinks....and the desserts! Oh the decadent desserts! How can I resist? Everything that I love to eat is laid spread out before me!

So I put my calorie calculator aside and enjoyed.

I think I just gained 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks. =(

F. 70. I have failed. I have to start over again. This time with helpful tips when eating at a buffet.  There is no reason to murder my diet or totally avoid buffets. It is economical and can be healthy. But now I know how to handle it better.

Ok, back to step one today. Oatmeal for breakfast. 30 minute walk done. Another one this afternoon. Hopefully get my gym membership back next month so I can burn more. Sorry for the disappointment. But like what I always say when I was a kid: "Try and try until you succeed!"

Oh, yeah. There's this party tonight at my cousin's house....

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