Saturday, April 23, 2011


Be content with what you have, for God said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."  So say with confidence, " The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid."
Hebrews 13: 5-6

Well I'm back!

It's been a while since I posted anything on my blog. The past weeks have been both busy, but really delightful. A visit from my in-laws and Matt's Uncle Steve and Aunt Bonnie had been so much fun. Meeting up with old friends and LOTS of walks on San Diego's beaches. Everything has been pretty good so far.

Yes, I have been watching what I eat and I take advantage of every opportunity I got to get my body moving. I have found a gym close to where we live and will start going there soon. ( Finally!) There are still bumps on the diet road every now and then, but hoping that with more physical activity, I will get to my goal.

I would like to focus today's blog to the scripture above. I read an article on MSN today about calming your inner worrywart. It made me think a lot about myself. I am a big worrier. I worry about...well, almost everything.

I worry about my health and Matt's health. My Mom and Dad's health. Matt's Mom and Dad's health.
I worry about our finances. I worry about our jobs and what we will do if one of us loses it. It happened to about 2 million people so why won't it happen to us.
I worry about my loved-ones who are thousands of miles away.
I worry that we are not taking care of our car enough so it might break down anytime.
I worry about what other people think or say about me all the time, whether I know them or not.
I worry about my future and how I don't have enough savings for when I retire...( really, I do.)
I worry that I will not get the things that I want, what I planned for or what I dreamed of.
And the list goes on.....

Reading today's scripture gave me a realization how little faith I have. There is really no need to worry because there is someone up there who is always looking after me, who will not forsake me and will always give me the things He knows are best for me.

As long as we take care of ourselves physically, eat properly and don't abuse our bodies.
As long as we are honest and hard-working in our jobs
As long as I pray and consistently keep in touch with my family
As  long as we do periodic maintenance on our vehicle
As long as I be myself and accept who I am
As long as I don't spend on frivolous things, and save even just a little each payday
As long as I trust and have faith to my GOD who has given us such blessings, believe that with His grace and our efforts, there is really no need to worry about anything.

He has proven time and time again to me that He is there for me, no matter how big or small the situation is.